The Sailendra were an agricultural nation that lived in southeast asia. Because of the amount of food that they produced it makes sense that they would trade. Also they lived on Java in the middle of a large archipelago which they could also trade in. They had a buddhist temple which means they have a religion that they follow.
The Srivijaya were an island nation that controlled many island such as sumatra and indonesia. The capital city was pamabam and they taxed people for crossing the maccana strait.
The Khmer were a nation that lived in modern day cambodia and they created the angkor wat which is a temple that needed many good builders which costs a lot of money. They created a observatory which helped them make a calendar. The Khmer were good farmers that had irrigation systems and waterways. They found a way to make rice faster than other nations so they could feed more people.
The Dai Viet were a strong civilization that lived in modern day Vietnam. Their main capital was Hanoi and they had a strong central government with great agriculture because of the humid climate. They used rivers and made roads to help trade and travel. The Yuan dynasty attempted to attack them but failed. But they kept the Chinese culture.